If your new to Buenos Aires,or not new, bored or just want to meet new people then please come and join us this friday ( thats tomorrow) at Mundo Bizarro. Its a cool bar with a great atmosphere and not to mention that it is located just a few blocks from Plaza serrano. Here is the website for Mundo Bizarro : http://www.mundobizarrobar.com/test/main.htmSo know for the details.1) Yes I am American2) The bar is located on : Serrano 12223) Time: 10ish I know some of you who are familiar with Argentine life will say thats early but for the uninitiated or the unaccustomed I think it works. Plus talking and making new friends is not fun while standing 
4) No it does not have to be the only stop. If everyone or even you and a group want to go to another bar or a club please feel free this is an event for everyone to make friends and have fun.5) Just so you all know there is already going to be me and someone going there and he is also American. Ok so those are the details please feel free to email me with questions or whatever at : [email protected] also you can call or text me on my cell phone : 1564412595 Hope to see you all there,Mike
4) No it does not have to be the only stop. If everyone or even you and a group want to go to another bar or a club please feel free this is an event for everyone to make friends and have fun.5) Just so you all know there is already going to be me and someone going there and he is also American. Ok so those are the details please feel free to email me with questions or whatever at : [email protected] also you can call or text me on my cell phone : 1564412595 Hope to see you all there,Mike