Meet up tonight @ 8:30

Christy Caldwell

Mar 10, 2010
Calling all expats and English speakers!

A few of us are meeting tonight for a drink and a chat at the Godoy Bar in Palermo @8:30. Address is Paraguay 4905. Let us know if you can make it on short notice or just show up!
Christy and Toni
OK.. I'm coming!! Arriving 8:30 to 9-ish. How can we recognize you?
I will like to go too. How we recognize you guys?? red flower :)
Great to hear from you all. If you want to find me you can click on my profile (Christy Caldwell) and look at my photo. Toni and I are both medium height American ladies. She has short cropped blond/brown hair and I have shoulder length blond hair...we are both over 40 :) Bar might not be too crowded at 8:30 just wander until you hear some English being spoken. We'll keep a look out for you!
sorry I saw this late...I would have come along Christy. See you for the writers group.
Sorry dude... I am little busy and will join you in the next meeting.....