MiArgentina App


May 15, 2020
Wondering if anybody without a DNI has had success creating an account and is able to access their vaccine credentials via this app. Currently it's not recognizing the passport number I used to get the vaccine instead prompting for a CUIL number. I could not get it resolved calling 147 either.
You can't add your vaccine certificate without it unfortunately. The ministry of health will also assign it to a DNI if one existed previously for you, regardless of current validity, as when my permanent residency was granted and DNI issued with the same number as a temporary one from nearly a decade ago, I could only access my my certificate with my DNI despite being vaccinated with my passport as I had yet to receive the new DNI.
Wondering if anybody without a DNI has had success creating an account and is able to access their vaccine credentials via this app. Currently it's not recognizing the passport number I used to get the vaccine instead prompting for a CUIL number. I could not get it resolved calling 147 either.
I have a DNI ,but have no idea what a CUIL is.
Recently I successfully created a MiArgentina App account using my passport, on my computer. I could happily go in and out, on the computer. However, to access the Salud component to view my Covid vaccination, it forced me to download the App to my phone. When I tried to download it to the phone it wouldn't accept the passport number; the passport number worked on the computer, not on the phone, which insisted on a CUIL. So, a dead end.

However, I now have a DNI and CUIL. So I deleted my account (the one with the passport number), and created a new one on the computer, using the DNI and CUIL. It worked: when downloading the App to my phone to be able to access the Salud component, it accepted the DNI, I successfully downloaded the App, validated my identity, and then accessed the Salud component. But, of course, since I got my vaccination with my passport number, the App shows nothing when I try to view my vaccination details. As far as MiArgentina is concerned, I am unvaccinated.

Any ideas?

Which ministry owns the MiArgentina App?
Any ideas?
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¿Con qué tuviste problemas? *
One of the questions is:
Con el certificado de vacunación COVID-19.
Any ideas?
¿Tuviste problemas con el certificado de vacunación COVID-19?

Si te vacunaste contra el COVID-19 podés ver tu certificado de vacunación en Mi Argentina, creá la cuenta y valida tu identidad.

La credencial de vacunación COVID-19 contiene tus datos: nombre, apellido, número de DNI, datos de la vacuna: nombre, lote y cantidad de dosis; el lugar y fecha donde te fue aplicada.

Si todavía no figuran tus datos te informamos que cada jurisdicción es la responsable de la carga de información de cada persona que se vacuna y que luego aparece en la credencial.

Si ves un certificado y no te vacunaste o tu credencial tiene errores en tus datos o el de la vacuna, podés reportarlo al sistema nacional de salud para que lo analice y junto a la jurisdicción correspondiente realicen la rectificación que sea necesaria, acá:


Which ministry owns the MiArgentina App?
Jefatura de Gabinete de Ministros
¿Cómo comunicarse con MiArgentina? (+5411) 6436 9842.