Milei defends his world tours: "They criticized Moses, how can they not criticize me?"

El Senhor's creative re-telling of the fate of Moses is certainly striking. All that part about the daily miracles people were getting and not appreciating. The curious story about Mrs. Moses. I didn't even realize there was a Mrs. Moses. And he got up late on the exodus? Was this a 9 to 5 gig or what? And he's been tutored in Judaism, right?
El Senhor's creative re-telling of the fate of Moses is certainly striking. All that part about the daily miracles people were getting and not appreciating. The curious story about Mrs. Moses. I didn't even realize there was a Mrs. Moses. And he got up late on the exodus? Was this a 9 to 5 gig or what? And he's been tutored in Judaism, right?

"And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman."
--Numbers 12:1 KJV

That's the Old King James. The NIV and a couple others say Cushite rather than Ethiopian.He might have also had another wife named Zipporah.
The story of Moses and Zipporah exists in a number of versions in Jewish folklore. One theme is that Zipporah, despite her efforts in saving Moses' son through performing circumcision, accepted G*d's judgement that Moses had to live apart from his wife, unlike all other prophets, since G*d required his constant audience. Aaron and Miriam's "spakeing" displeased G*d who gave Miriam a case of leprosy. Jews use the Jewish Bible (the Tanakh) which contains the Torah (the first five books of the Bible - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). The King James version, old and new, the NID bible etc. are Christian sources and are not considered accurate.