Milei government plans to remove femicide from Argentina penal code

Not gonna fix the economy.
Another of the new right leaning populist leaders who want to win votes from the angry men who feel they are treated unfairly in this world.

  1. of lesser or secondary importance, merit, etc.; minor:
    petty considerations.
  2. having or showing narrow ideas, interests, etc.:
    petty minds.
    Synonyms: small
  3. mean or ungenerous in small or trifling things:
    a petty person.
    Synonyms: miserly, stingy
  4. showing or caused by meanness of spirit:
    a petty revenge.
I'm not sure I disagree with removing the concept of femicide (or the misuse of the word "homicide" by mainly US-Americans to signify murder), on the grounds that punishment for murdering anyone should be based on the same criteria, which can also include hatred of someone's gender, but should be applied to all genders and cases.

However, on the scale of important things for a government to do in Argentina, it surely ranks very close to zero in importance, leaving the only explanation for bringing the subject up now as more of Milei's irrelevant culture-war shit-stirring that will leave nobody better off.