Miners: Chile vs Argentina


Feb 2, 2010
I can't help to wonder if the Miners had been trapped in Argentina, how different the outcome would have been.

The Unions and their thugs would have been protesting every day in all parts of Buenos Aires blocking traffic and subways.

The Unions and their thugs would have most likely burned down the headquarters of the mining company and homes of the executives.

CFK would preach about evil business practices and find someway to create another entitlement program.

Nestor would lisp his way through another ridiculous speech that makes no sense.

And through all of this, the miners would be dead or forgotten.

Thank God this happened outside of Argentina and thank God all the miners are safe.
So very neg about Argentina jaredwb, why bother living in Buenos Aires if you dislike it so much? I'm sure Santiago has plenty of nice apartments you can rent. I've been to both cities many times and they don't even compare IMO, BA is just miles/kilometers ahead
Dudester said:
So very neg about Argentina jaredwb, why bother living in Buenos Aires if you dislike it so much? I'm sure Santiago has plenty of nice apartments you can rent. I've been to both cities many times and they don't even compare IMO, BA is just miles/kilometers ahead

Hi Dudester, not trying to be a downer on Argentina as a whole, but simply stating what I (and many others) think would have happened here. It's a very sad fact that facing the same crisis, the Argentina powers that be would have reacted in an almost 100% opposite way that Chile did.

If you have read any of my other posts about Argentina, I love it here!!

Just got back from Santiago a few months ago (first time) and was shocked by the differences of the two cities. Actually, reminded me a lot of Salt Lake City being a valley surrounded by mountains, etc. IMO, Santiago is a bit further ahead overall then Buenos Aires.

Still, I don't see myself leaving Buenos Aires anytime soon.
Hi jaredwb. I gotta agree that Chile really did an A-1 job on this whole saving-the-miners situation. From all reports it all just went perfectly (rare these days). Nice to see something so positive happening for a change. Yeah, I think in a way Santiago is somewhat ahead but BA has so much character and a great, unique feel to it.

To me, having been to most South American capitals and big cities, I'd rank it #1 as a place to live (there's a lot of cities I liked as far as a visit - many in Brazil for example - but I just couldn't see living long term in any of them. Sounds like you have a good set up in BA. I'm working on going in 50 or 33% with a relative/friend or 2 but it may take a while - something will eventually pan out. Anyway, enjoy your time there, Take care, Dudester
Yes, Chile did a great A-1 job, but let's not forget the drilling efforts put forth by one Americano whose name I can't place at the moment. Or the data provided by NASA on the escape capsule.
Other contributors include Center Rock and Schramm Inc, both in Pennsylvania. Center Rock provided the drill bit, Schramm the rig.
The high strength cable was from Germany.
The fiber optic cable used for communications was from Japan,
Samsung of S Korea donated a cellphone with its own projector.
A firm in Virgina, Cupron supplied socks made of copper fiber to help ward of skin infections.
And as noted NASA for the capsule design as well as input on blood pressure dangers while being raised, food intake and the psychological repercussions.
Artyguy said:
Yes, Chile did a great A-1 job, but let's not forget the drilling efforts put forth by one Americano whose name I can't place at the moment. Or the data provided by NASA on the escape capsule.

Great point! The President of Chile AND the mining company requested help from other countries which brought about a coordinated effort (led by Chile) in the rescue, and clearly contributed greatly to the success of the operation.