Missing Girl

i hope so,,,i wouldn't be completely convinced until they hear from HER!
fingers crossed
Similar thing happened with 2 tourists a cpl of months back in Peru. Sent out the search party cause parents hadn't heard in them a while and turned out thy were fine.

I think it's important backpackers keep their parents alerted to when they are going to be "out of range" so as to not use important resources, cause unnecessary worries etc.
Hey what is wrong with hitchhiking? I have done that plenty of time since the age of 13 in Patagonia and is very fun way to travel, even better if you go with someone else, lot of the couch surfers that I meet go this way around the country and never hear of any problem with it. Probably I wouldn't recommend doing it from Buenos Aires (no one will stop anyway in the highways of Buenos Aires ja) but in the rest of the country why not, many of my friends have travel this way in many regions of the country and in reality is quite safe. Normally the dangerous people are not traveling in cars from city to city they are more concentrated in Great Buenos Aires lol and some other places.

Anyway i remember a case of a German that was reported to be disappear in Bariloche and they suppose he suffer an accident in the mountain and one month later he show up for the plane and never say nothing to the fathers that were already thinking the worst, he was just wanting to cross Patagonia from the mountains to the sea by foot lol.

Anyway she has been founded perfectly she just didn't comunicate because she didn't have internet:


The fathers of the girls call the FBI after just 2 days of her not sending a mail........... WTH some times one have to curse the internet.
Maria Cash a BA hitchhiker has been missing since July 2011. I would not recommend women to hitchhike alone. Not a good idea.

