More Chinese Train For Subte A Line


Dec 17, 2012
Oct 22, looks like all the Chinese trains are from different manufactures in China. This time they are from ChongQing, southwest of China, by a small company. This is the first time they export their products to outside China.

Total 105 carts/trains are ordered for "Buenos Aires A Line" , at $160,000 each, pretty cheap. The manufacture said their profit is 10% more selling to Argentina than to domestic customers. Chinese government is dividing all the orders to different manufactures, so everyone has a chance.

At speed of 90k/hour, 17 meters long, they said it's made of stainless steel, very heavy and Argentina government has a higher standard (of course this is financed by different Chinese commercial banks, there is no other options for Argentina). Each train groups consists of 5 each time.

Right now, 10 are here in Buenos Aires for testing, pretty soon A Line will be new.


Chinese medias think their trains are very popular in Argentina.
I recently took the new trains to Villa del Parque and noticed that all of the tops to the arm rests had been torn off.
Repairs? Looked to me as though people had just ripped them out for the fun of it.
Were the railworkers not already tearing apart some of the Chinese trains to repair others due to lack of parts?