Mouse On Mac Erratic With Mind Of It's It Done?


Mar 15, 2010
Any advise on what to do with this 4 year old Mac with mouse acting up? Thanks!
Track pad...but it went South about a month ago and we switched to a wireless mouse. Now the same obstacle with erratic behaviour.
This just happened to me this week. It seems like the trackpad is stuck so its always like the left button is held down. I just turned off my track pad and use an external mouse which I was already using anyway. Don't know if this could help you in your situation though
The same happened to me. Email [email protected] then drop it off for a day and then.... MAGIC will happen and all your problems will be gone!
9 times out of 10 this is due to the battery on the MacBook expanding and pressing against the trackpad. The fix is to replace the old battery.

An external mouse should be fine though. I'd look at the settings in system preferences or try a new mouse.
I agree with Sleuth. My macbook's trackpad suffered this syndrome and it was solved by removing and placing back the battery (expanded and in dire need of replacement ... still thinking whether to replace battery or get a new MacBook)