Moving soon!!


Apr 30, 2012
Hello all,
I am moving to Argentina in July, was looking for some good tips from some seasoned much money should I bring to start out? Is it true that I need proof of funds if I want to spend more than $250 US dollars? Is it hard for an American to get a job as a server/bartender there? What is the best place to live if I want something affordable but relatively safe? Are private English tutors in demand? I am very serious about moving so any advice would be very much appreciated. I have some Argentinian friends there but feel like it would be really helpful to get some feedback from fellow expats. How does one go about getting a residential visa? Is it difficult?
Trying not to sound like a wet blanket, but practially all of your questions have been answered multiple times in the forums. Once you've read through the threads and have very specific questions you'll find a lot of help here. :)
quiddy said:
Hello all,
I am moving to Argentina in July, was looking for some good tips from some seasoned much money should I bring to start out? Is it true that I need proof of funds if I want to spend more than $250 US dollars? Is it hard for an American to get a job as a server/bartender there? What is the best place to live if I want something affordable but relatively safe? Are private English tutors in demand? I am very serious about moving so any advice would be very much appreciated. I have some Argentinian friends there but feel like it would be really helpful to get some feedback from fellow expats. How does one go about getting a residential visa? Is it difficult?

Please stay in your parents basement. You will be much safer there.
When I move to another country without a job or accommodation pre-arranged I reckon on taking enough money to last me at least 2 months including rent, plus an extra amount for a deposit and a airfare contingency fund should things not work out. That would work out at about US$3000 but you'd be living very basically, in a shared apartment downtown, with no money for nights out etc.

I don't think there is any such thing as a 'safe' place to live in BsAs. You can get mugged or robbed anywhere if you're not vigilant and careful. Just read some of the forums and you'll see how high the risk is, even in the wealthier suburbs.

I'm not sure you could get a job as a server or bartender as you'd need to know a lot about Argentine food and drink culture and there are plenty of Argentines that already know that. You would of course need fluent Argentine Spanish too. As for teaching English, I would advise you to get some qualifications such as the Cambridge CELTA as people do ask for those. Teaching privately also won't happen overnight, it can take up to 2 years to build a reasonable client base. I know because that's what I do. A good level of Spanish is also important for teaching English surprisingly.

Sorry to be negative, but if I were you I'd think twice.