Muchachos, la película de la gente - movie about 2022 World Cup

This is fantastic! What an amazing thing to do, thank you! Just looking for subs as my friend wants to watch it but no subs on Disney channel. Which torrent file does this srt file work with?
is this question for me or for the english subtitles by XeneizeUSA ?
is this question for me or for the english subtitles by XeneizeUSA ?
It was for you too, at first I didn't realise that there were two different subtitles options 😀. I still haven't downloaded a torrent, but from experience, not all video files are synchronised with all subs, so would be great to know the type of video format & size works best AVI/MP4/720p/1080p etc. Thank you!
Does anyone know a place where I can download the movie? I only see the trailer on youtube.
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