Music Store?


Nov 22, 2011
Does anyone know a music store that would buy used instruments? We are leaving and have an accordion we'd prefer not to have to take on the plane. Any thoughts?
I am sure someone here knows the street, but there is an ´instrument district´ here with dozens of shops that buy/sell used instruments. I know it is close to av de Mayo in Centro. If you search the net you will likely a lot of shops on the same street.

And you wouldn´t look too weird carrying an accordion around with you!!

Sorry trotsky but I have to do this:

What happened when a man parked his car in a rough part of town with two accordions on the back seat, forgetting to lock the back door?

When he returned, there were three accordions.

And..What's the definition of an optimist? An accordion player with a mobile phone.

Boom boom! Ok I'll get my coat...
How much are you selling it for? I imagine it would be a lot...

If you want, you can leave it with me, or I´ll rent it from you until you get back!!

Ive always wanted to learn to play