Need Excellent Vet For Cat Asap


Mar 15, 2010
Our 14 year old cat is very ill. Won't eat, go the bathroom, won't go outside in the yard (which he loves) doesn't want to be touched, (he is a very affectionate cat). Has had no other health problems for years though did have a blocked renal passage when he was very young requiring surgery. Have had him looked at by Vet but not convinced this Vet knows what he is doing. Appreciate any recommendations.
I recommend this vet, he makes housecalls and the times he cared for my cat the results were very good -
Dr. Federico Curra Gagliano
[email protected]
I've always had a good experience with these vets on Corrientes y Pringles. They have a vet on the premises 24/7.
Dr. Beltramo, Guillermo
Dra. Gomez, Silvina
Av. Corrientes 4545
4863 0700
There's a vet on Estados Unidos, between Chacabuco and Piedras, in San Telmo, who is excellent (sorry, I don't know the name of the place, or the phone number). Unfortunately you can't make appointments there, so you have to wait, but when my cats have serious trouble, I take them there. If you don't have any luck with the others, you might want to give it a try.

Ask for Tomás, if you can. Usually you will get Carlitos (or at least the last time I was there that's how it was), but if the cat is very ill, Tomás will almost certainly end up looking at him anyway.

Good luck. I hope it's not serious and you're able to get the help you need.
I second the recommendation for Federico above. He's also professor at the University I believe - super knowledgable and his prices are very reasonable for house visits.
I recommend Animed in Vidal y Olazabal. But the thing is they only attend to patients brought to them by colleagues, other vets who reached a point where they can no longer help the animal. So maybe if your current vet could contact them asking for help? Not sure, my cat spent his last hours there and they were incredible, but again he was taken by a colleague of theirs.

Not sure if they would be any use at all but here's the link por las dudas
There's a 24 hr veterinary clinic on Paunero 2717 in Palermo right across from Parque Las Heras. I used them twice in emergencies--once for my cat and once for my dog. They even encouraged me to stay with my sick dog and comfort her while she was receiving an IV all day. When my cat got sick right before I had to leave on a trip, they arranged for one of their nurses to come to my apartment and give him the injections he was going to need while I would be gone and my neighbor was taking care of him. Phone 4802-6837. I know some of their staff are faculty at the university. Theirs prices seemed extremely low in comparison to vets costs in the US for the same service! Haven't needed to go luckily for a few years but assume the service remains great!
Thanks to all of you who responded. This has been an exhausting experience and many lessons learned. Things are so different here regarding protocal. The vet apparently just does a physical exam, makes a diagnosis & perscribes medication. We are totally not accustomed to this as the protocol where we are from is blood work, X-Rays or at least a scan, a diagnosis & then medication. Perhaps this is just good old fashioned medicine being practiced here but requires such a leap of faith to trust. Made many calls to hospitals to request blood work & x-rays but eventually learned that it's impossible unless your vet makes a referral. Our cat is presently a bit better, taking injections for renal failure. Still the look of pain in his eyes compelled us to get a second opinion. We have an appointment tomorrow and hopefully will persuade the vet to give us a referral to a hospital for some blood work & X-Ray. Even if it's only for our peace of mind. Suggest all with a pet get a plan in place in case of some unforseen medical issue. Again, thanks for your help.