New DNI requirements, anyone got a walkthrough?


Feb 3, 2023
I'm very overwhelmed by all this. Went to the police station to get my partner's certificado, and suddenly they don't do that anymore. Do we still need the FBI background check? Can any of you expats be my witnesses? Anything else terrifying that I should know about this?
How do I fill this out? What is height? I don't understand what I'm looking at!

I really need someone who can sit down and go through this whole process with me. Does anyone know if I can still get help at Brasil 996?
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I'm very overwhelmed by all this. Went to the police station to get my partner's certificado, and suddenly they don't do that anymore. Do we still need the FBI background check? Can any of you expats be my witnesses? Anything else terrifying that I should know about this?
You seem to have translated the form :), the original probably says "Altura", which really means the house / building number, with digits from 0-9.

Not sure which certificate you're looking for, if it's the "certificado de domicilio", I thought the police would still do that. If it's the "certificado de antecedentes penales", that would be RENAPER:
You seem to have translated the form :), the original probably says "Altura", which really means the house / building number, with digits from 0-9.

Not sure which certificate you're looking for, if it's the "certificado de domicilio", I thought the police would still do that. If it's the "certificado de antecedentes penales", that would be RENAPER:
It's certificado de domicilio, and nope, the cops won't do it anymore.
Must be something recent, because I went to the local comisaría a few weeks ago and they did it in a day.
Yeah, me too. But not today. I'm just glad I found out before I spent $75 getting my FBI background check since I don't seem to need that anymore.
I discovered this using ChatGPT.......

Searched 5 sites

Argentina has recently made changes to its requirements for obtaining a Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI), the national identity document. As of 2024, FBI background checks are no longer necessary for U.S. citizens applying for a DNI in Argentina. This change is part of broader efforts to streamline the application process for foreign nationals.
Previously, U.S. citizens needed to provide an FBI background check, which required submitting fingerprints and other documentation to verify the absence of a criminal record. The removal of this requirement simplifies the process and reduces the administrative burden on applicants (U.S. Embassy Argentina) (DNI Gov) (Federal Bureau of Investigation).
For more detailed information, you may refer to the U.S. Embassy in Argentina's official website or other related governmental announcements.

I have had consultations with two immigration attorneys in the past two weeks and neither were aware of any change in the law requiring the FBI check.

Question....does anyone know anyone who really knows this stuff? Thanks

Further research.......

Searched 4 sites

The recent changes to Argentina's DNI requirements, which include the removal of the FBI background check for U.S. citizens, are part of a broader update to the national identity system. These changes were formalized through Provision 1255/2023, which was published in the Official Gazette on December 1, 2023. This provision, issued by the Argentine Registry of People (RENAPER), introduces a new national identity document (ID) with enhanced security features and digital functionalities, including electronic identification and signature capabilities.
The full text of the provision can be accessed through the Official Gazette of Argentina's website (Allende & Brea - Estudio Jurídico) (Wikipedia) (Wilson Center).

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