Hi there. Two new expats here from Miami/NYC. We arrived a little over a week ago and are desperately looking for an apartment! We are currently staying in a vacation rental until the 28th. We are seeking a 2 bedroom apartment that is dog friendly. We like Palermo, Belgrano, Villa Crespo, and possibly other surrounding areas.
Our 2 biggest issues thus far are dealing with the language barrier (our spanish/castellano is not the strongest) and the whole guarantor thing. We are shipping some of our stuff over (only bedroom furniture) so we are looking for an unfurnished apartment for a two year lease. We are trying to circumvent the guarantor requirement by offering a larger deposit/paying upfront for several months. Some realtors agree and some do not. I was wondering if anyone can advise on this issue. If we must we will buy a guarantor but we are hoping to avoid going this route.
We are also seeking apartments at local prices obviously. We are using mercadolibre, zonaprop and clarin mostly to search for places.
Any advice or assistance in this apartment hunt would be much appreciated! We are at our current place until the 29th so we are hoping to lock something down within the next week or so :-/
Our 2 biggest issues thus far are dealing with the language barrier (our spanish/castellano is not the strongest) and the whole guarantor thing. We are shipping some of our stuff over (only bedroom furniture) so we are looking for an unfurnished apartment for a two year lease. We are trying to circumvent the guarantor requirement by offering a larger deposit/paying upfront for several months. Some realtors agree and some do not. I was wondering if anyone can advise on this issue. If we must we will buy a guarantor but we are hoping to avoid going this route.
We are also seeking apartments at local prices obviously. We are using mercadolibre, zonaprop and clarin mostly to search for places.
Any advice or assistance in this apartment hunt would be much appreciated! We are at our current place until the 29th so we are hoping to lock something down within the next week or so :-/