New to Buenos Aires


Jan 1, 2011
Hello, I have been in Buenos Aires for two days ... WOW... this is a big city. I am looking to meet others people to explore this city with ... I am planning on being here for 6 months. Thanks :)
Happy New Year and welcome to the wonderful world that is Buenos Aires. This site will help I am sure, with any queries you have, and keep a look out for the various gatherings that expats here have, it always helps to catch up with like minded souls - Have fun here.
Hi! I am in caballito and i am in higher ed. I could help so feel free to pm me if u wish. There is some interesting staff going on.
Since you are in Caballito, be sure to check out Parque Centenario. The area around the lake. I was there yesterday and I absolutely loved it. People were out all over the place, feeding the ducks and swans, riding on bikes, running and just enjoying the place to the max. The park is in pristine condition these days (well the part that is inside the iron fence).
rhardie said:
Hello, I have been in Buenos Aires for two days ... WOW... this is a big city. I am looking to meet others people to explore this city with ... I am planning on being here for 6 months. Thanks :)
Would be glad to meet you. We're in Palermo, but that's not so far from Caballito anycase. Send me private message (PM) for establish contact.