New To Here! Double Expat


Dec 16, 2013
Hello! I am not sure if I belong in this forum but I sure can identify myself with it. I feel like an expat and I have been living in the States for 11 years and have just returned to Argentina four months ago. My daughter is an American citizen, and I am a resident. But we are back indefinitely to get some family love and support away from the stress of NYC. So, I feel I am constantly between these two worlds. I was born here, yet I left when I was 18 back in 2002. Now I am back but it feels like I am a foreigner! I am so delighted to have found this online community to help me navigate through daily life here in Buenos Aires! Cheers!
Welcome back!...'re never going to feel like you "belong" anywhere. Sorry. But you're always going to feel like an expat who really knows the city. Whether it's BA or NYC... or wherever you choose to go to next. Even if you live there 50 years. You'll always feel like you kind of don't belong... but it makes it easier to shrug off the crazy stuff.

PS- There's some great information on this board and then there's also some crazy bickering. Pick and choose carefully what you read. And don't feel like you have to finish a 65+ page thread just because you started reading the first page or two.
