Newspaper question


Jan 1, 2008
My Spanish is pretty poor but I do want to get a newspaper once or twice a week - mainly for an entertainment/what's happening section and for ads for discounts at the various stores.

I'm really not concerned about the news in the newspapers. That's what the internet is for :=) .

Any suggestions on which paper and what day?

Go for La Nación. You can get the paper delivered a few times a week, and you also become a member of Club Nación. 2x1 movie tickets, and 20% off at tons of restaurants... It's totally worth it.
Another vote here for La Nación. Weekend editions, in particular will give you plenty of espectáculos and reviews etc. From a readability perspective I also prefer the formatting of La Nación over its obvious rivals though on that specific point YMMV
We get the Wednesday fluff magazine called "Hola!" (I think) plus the Saturday paper. But one week we also got the Friday paper and a couple of times we've also received the Sunday paper.

And we're La Nacion Club members. Like the higher level ones or something. Premier maybe... I don't know.