No more smoking in public spaces!

Unenforceable. Argentina has the best laws in the world, like the Glaciar protection law against mining and the common laws like stopsign laws, but they are not enforced.
Right.. didn't they pass this law a few years ago for bars and restaurants? That lasted about 2 weeks... but it was a nice 2 weeks... maybe we will get 3 weeks out of this latest law....
I don't agree, smoking prohibition is not perfectly enforced but it is quite well enforced though (considering too the specific Argentinean trait of hacerse el vivo).

It's going into the right direction : when I arrived here (2003), it was allowed to smoke in carpeted auction houses (now don't even try).

When I arrived here, that was 6 months I had quit cigs (started late : 21 y/o) mainly because of the price (around 5 EUR).
Late 2003 here, the pack price of Marlboro Light was 0.80 peso (or was it 1.80?).
Today, I'm a heavy smoker, that sucks (doubly actually :p).

--> If you raise the price substantially, you'll get the best effects
I believe it's just the lower house of congress that passed that bill. Far from being law yet. Someone correct me if I am wrong.