No trash collection and subte strike


Feb 10, 2012
No trash collection in the city yesterday and we have another subway strike coming up next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

What's going on?

Mob war between Macri and CFK gone awfully moronic or something's seriously wrong with the country, or both?
I have heard from several people here that these grave incidents are exactly the kind of thing that happend prior to the corralito in 2001. I hope my friends and co-workers are wrong this time, but everyone I know thinks we are headed for both a radical change in government and an imminent devaluation.
Ideological clash, I can't see how Macri will come out on top. I believe Kirchner's mafia will topple him somehow.

I don't think it's representative of anything rather than her desire to take back control of the city and put Macri back in his box. It's gonna make transport very unpleasant in BA while she evens up the score sadly.
Davidglen77 said:
I have heard from several people here that these grave incidents are exactly the kind of thing that happend prior to the corralito in 2001. I hope my friends and co-workers are wrong this time, but everyone I know thinks we are headed for both a radical change in government and an imminent devaluation.

This is just speculation. This is typical union BS and politics as usual here. I wouldn't read any more into it.
We actually had a rubbish collection in Flores / Villa del Parque , in spite of the being requested not to take the rubbish out.

We have to many baby's nappies to pay attention to these civilized requests.....
Reminds me of the UK three day week back in the seventies.
Last one out, switch off the lights please.
Gringoboy said:
Reminds me of the UK three day week back in the seventies.
Last one out, switch off the lights please.

Memories of my mum heating dinner on a gas stove as we sat in candlelight..thanks for conjuring up the memories Gringoboy!:)
Dublin2BuenosAires said:
Ideological clash, I can't see how Macri will come out on top. I believe Kirchner's mafia will topple him somehow.

I don't think it's representative of anything rather than her desire to take back control of the city and put Macri back in his box. It's gonna make transport very unpleasant in BA while she evens up the score sadly.
Their scheme is to perpetuate the dynasty by electing the idiot son Maxi next time (assuming Cristina doesn't amend the constitution to permit a 3rd term, in which case Maxi would get another 4 years to grow up). The only obvious opposition for the presidency - he frequently talks about it in fact - is Macri, even though his numbers are poor in the interior and terrible in the outer rings of GCBA. Scioli is hiding out trying to avoid appearing to cross the Ks, and Binner went back into his bunker.

So if they can get Macri out of the way, they think they have a clear shot at perpetuating K'ismo for a full generation. I'm afraid we should prepare for the situation in the city to worsen for a while, until at least the subte issues are resolved.
Maximo by the way doesn't only look stupid like his dad, but he is in fact stupid, unless his dad.

What did he finish in his life? But after Cristina the people already know you don't have to finish your education to become a president