Nueva DNI Tarjeta para Extranjeros


Oct 18, 2011
I'm curious to know what the Nueva DNI Tarjeta para Extranjeros looks like. I know what the ones for citizens look like and saw on Google search what the cover of the old libreta looks like for foreigners with a big "EXTRANJERO" on the cover. I can't seem to find any images for the new extranjero dni tarjeta. Is it exactly the same as a citizen's but just the Nationality is where you are from? Can someone post a link or pic if possible.


The DNI card looks exactly the same as the DNI for citizens -- unless they have changed this since I got mine in 2010. The book is maroon instead of blue.
The new DNI for extranjeros is a paper thin card - mine's already bent and it lives in my diary where it shouldn't get bent at all. It's just like the citizen ones, I think, except for the big red word EXTRANJERO on the upper right corner.
The new DNI for extranjeros is a paper thin card - mine's already bent and it lives in my diary where it shouldn't get bent at all. It's just like the citizen ones, I think, except for the big red work EXTRANJERO on the upper right corner.

so its not longer the book that is described above? i also got mine in 2010. you have an actual new CARD? how recently did you get this?
Got mine this year, applied in Feb and it arrived in June or July. No booklet, just the card.
When I got my DNI in Sept 2010 I got both the card and the booket -- now appears they are phasing out the booklet -- which is fine for foreigners since really the only time you need the booklet is for voting, which you can't do unless you're a citizen anyway.