Obama Cuba/buenos Aires....!

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
Get ready for Obama's arrival..!!

Amazing Obama's visit to Cuba, at Revolución Square...!! Far from the Yanqui go Home Period...!
Farewell to Marx and Lenin...!

Welcome; Cuba is destined to be the new backyard sweat shop , replacing Bangladesh in textiles. The new Showplace in the Caribbean. Starwood /Sheraton will open hotels this year.

My respects for Fidel for not being a bend over kissass like Raul , he certainly would not want to be remembered shaking hands with the evil Empire....! A long way from the Sierra Maestra ....!

May Cuba displace India as a High tech place ... new Silicon Valley. Low cost programmers


Handy guide here
All this for just one man.
Raul Castro what a devious old Fart .... B) (Chicanero)

When asked by a journalist about Political prisoners in Cuba , "He responded Gime the names of the Prisoners and I'll release them today..... implying there are none...!! :mad: :mad:

Believe that a Moreno President is closer to the hearts of Cubans where a large portion of the population is Morena
Obama said today in Cuba ... In the US a black son of a single mother can become President....!

Obama's 40 minute speech to the people of Cuba ...Wow what a speaker not a note impressive :rolleyes:

PD : Correction he used the Presidential Teleprompter
Rich One:
A little heavy on the chicaneries,aren't we? Read,"Why Obama didn't meet Fidel Castro" by Karen Deyoung in today's Washington Post.
Moreover,I wouldn't think that Cuba is destined to be a "new backyard sweat shop" of the U.S. given the ending statements that there are definite political differences that will not change,I would think, for a generation.
Obama recognizes one of the few things Peron was right about, "La unica verdad es la realidad"---The only real truth is reality itself"
The Cuban Revolution has been a reality for over 50 years whether the Republican Party or the Cuban exile community wish to acknowledge it or not and you must deal with it as it is.
Rich One:
A little heavy on the chicaneries,aren't we? Read,"Why Obama didn't meet Fidel Castro" by Karen Deyoung in today's Washington Post.
Moreover,I wouldn't think that Cuba is destined to be a "new backyard sweat shop" of the U.S. given the ending statements that there are definite political differences that will not change,I would think, for a generation.
Obama recognizes one of the few things Peron was right about, "La unica verdad es la realidad"---The only real truth is reality itself"
The Cuban Revolution has been a reality for over 50 years whether the Republican Party or the Cuban exile community wish to acknowledge it or not and you must deal with it as it is.

No es de ayer

Read the article but didn't understand why Fidel met only with Francisco, Hollande, and Maduro for 2.5 hours on MArch 19th??


Rich One:
Because as the article says,"It would be bad optics" for the Obama administration. Fidel is" backward looking" (like Cristina?)
and Raul is "forward looking" like Obama and (Macri?).