Obama Tells Latinos to ‘Punish Our Enemies’ on Election Day

steveinbsas said:
Since when are US elections about punishing enemies?


Can anyone remember a US President calling one group of Americans enemies?

Ironically, the group Obama is talking about may actually be the majority of the American people.

At this point, nothing surprises me when it comes to the worst President in U.S. history (ok, close tie with FDR) but this was really a stunner.

On top of that, speaking to Latin voters who tend to vote Dem but are also conservative and faith based it has to be one of the worst gaffs I've heard from him.
Ummm, worst "President in US History"? That would be double digit I.Q.er GEORGE W. BUSH. We're living through what the jerk (and his co-pilot DICK Cheney) left behind. Let's look back - Financial Crash, September 15, 2008, President at the time? BUSH/CHENEY. Starting 2 phony, unneeded, unwanted, VERY EXPENSIVE (2 billion-dollar-a-day) Wars? President at the time? Team of BUSH/CHENEY (Senator Obama voted against the invasion of Iraq - based on false information). Let's not rewrite history or twist the truth/facts, OK?. Dudester

PS. Steve, I'm just wondering, you live in BA but seemed totally consumed with American politics - totally minor things like this topic you put up. When I'm overseas I don't pay much attention to what the USA is up to.... why don't you move back to the states if you can't disconnect? What's the point of living in another country if all you think about is the USA? These are serious questions, I just don't get it (when I'm at my place in Paris the last thing I'm thinking about is what America is up to. That's one of the main reasons to move IMO.) Please explain when you have some time. Thanks
Dudester said:
Ummm, worst "President in US History"? That would be double digit I.Q.er GEORGE W. BUSH. We're living through what the jerk (and his co-pilot DICK Cheney) left behind. Let's look back - Financial Crash, September 15, 2008, President at the time? BUSH/CHENEY. Starting 2 phony, unneeded, unwanted, VERY EXPENSIVE (2 billion-dollar-a-day) Wars? President at the time? Team of BUSH/CHENEY (Senator Obama voted against the invasion of Iraq - based on false information). Let's not rewrite history or twist the truth/facts, OK?. Dudester

Sure sure...you know, it is almost not worth arguing with someone that continues to blame Bush for everything....that argument is SO SO old...but, let's take a look.

-DEMOCRATS (including the Chosen one) have been in power since 2006 and could have blocked or not created ANY legislation coming through so to blame Bush is not only old, but ridiculous.

-OBAMA's "stimulus" cost more than the ENTIRE Iraq war (CBO). And, the "stimulus" was supposed to keep the unemployment # below 8%...that certainly didn't happen. Oh but we "saved or created" 2 million jobs (Biden)...LMAO

-OBAMA has generated more debt than ALL PRESIDENTS combined.

-But OBAMA said that Afghanistan is the good war...so what other "phony" ware are you talking about? And while Iraq was misguided but in the end proved to be a success, Afghanistan clearly was not a phony war.

-Housing bubble burst will be credited to Barney Frank (Crazy Liberal Dem) and the team of idiot Dem senators including Charlie Rangel(Crazier Liberal Dem) that were supposed to be overseeing the banks and mortgage companies (NOT BUSH).

-OBAMA changed the Bankruptcy LAWS and basically paid off the UAW with HIS auto bailout. Still, even with all the money thrown to GM...they will still be bankrupt in the next 1-2 year...unless of course they get another bailout.

So, that is just a few FACTS. I could provide more, but again, what's the point as you will never believe the FACTS. The FACTS suck and prove you wrong, so the FACTS must be incorrect, right?
Dudester said:
PS. Steve, I'm just wondering, you live in BA but seemed totally consumed with American politics - totally minor things like this topic you put up. When I'm overseas I don't pay much attention to what the USA is up to.... why don't you move back to the states if you can't disconnect? What's the point of living in another country if all you think about is the USA? These are serious questions, I just don't get it (when I'm at my place in Paris the last thing I'm thinking about is what America is up to. That's one of the main reasons to move IMO.) Please explain when you have some time. Thanks

What does George Bush or my personal interest in politics have to do with this thread?

When you don't have an answer the best thing to do is deflect the question?

But since you asked so sincerely I'll answer yours.

I think it's been six months since I posted in the political forum...

Is that what you consider totally consumed?

I'm still a US citizen and I still have an income from the USA. I know what Obama and his cronies are doing will intentionally continue to erode the vale of the dollar and continue to "fundamentally change" the United States. If they continue the present path, the US may not be worth returning to in the future.

When I am in Paris I pay attention to what's going on in the US, too.

When I am in Argentina I also pay attention to what's going on in Paris.

I wouldn't want to arrive when there is no transportation from the airport into the city...

Or if the dollar had lost so much of it's value I couldn't afford to stay as long as I like.

PS: Why do you post here?

When was the last time you visited BA? Do you consider yourself a BAexpat?

Wouldn't your time be better spent in your history studies (watching Oliver Stone movies)?
jaredwb said:
Sure sure...you know, it is almost not worth arguing with someone that continues to blame Bush for everything....that argument is SO SO old...but, let's take a look.

I think the point is that if you daub some white paint on Obama's face, the leering visage of GWB will be staring back at you. It's difficult to find anything Obama has done that differs from the previous administration. I don't know if he's the worst president (he'd be jostling with Warren Harding and one or two others) but he is probably the most spineless, and one who has no convictions whatsoever. He gets paid essentially just to look grave and sombre. He is utterly clueless about matters pertaining to the economy, to foreign policy, to anything. And utterly devoid of political courage. The country is drifting rudderless.
steveinbsas said:
What does George Bush or my personal interest in politics have to do with this thread?


When you don't have an answer the best thing to do is deflect the question?

Ah, right....right. Wow, nothin' gets past "the Brainiac"

I think it's been six months since I posted in the political forum...

Yo, you might be right. Why not check your thread History to be 100% sure?

Is that what you consider totally consumed?

Awww, let me think for awhile. Will get back to you on that one - gotta think - think dudester, think....

I'm still a US citizen and I still have an income from the USA

Really? Just curious, what kinda of work do you do?.

I know what Obama and his cronies are doing will intentionally continue to erode the vale of the dollar and continue to "fundamentally change" the United States. If they continue the present path, the US may not be worth returning to in the future.

When I am in Paris I pay attention to what's going on in the US, too.
Wow, cool

When I am in Argentina I also pay attention to what's going on in Paris.

Double Wow you little multi tasker. My man is really gettin' into some complicated thinking....Bravo

But when you're in Manila are you thinking about what's going on in Serbia? (bahahahahahaha)

I wouldn't want to arrive when there is no transportation from the airport into the city...

WHAT !?!?! Again, Say WHAT? Another Off Topic puzzle, inside a riddle, wrapped around an enigma - how do I EVER get to the bottom of all this complicated thinking?

Or if the dollar had lost so much of it's value I couldn't afford to stay as long as I like.

Really Bro'? Well, FYI at the end of 8 years of Bill Clinton (beginning of the "New Dark Ages" of GWB - 2001) the dollar got you about 1.15 Euro's. After 8 nightmare years of Bush the dollar got you about .65 to .75 Euro - it NEVER bounced back even CLOSE to one/one. So who do you think handled the strength of the Dollar better? Who ran the economy better?

Bush couldn't run a business successfully, run a state (Texas), run a country (U$$A), run multiple unneeded Wars, Run an emergency effort (New Orleans), run his out-of-control daughters, run his own boring, confused life. He's just an A-1 slacker that should be playng golf 8 hours a day (then go curl up inside a JACK DANIELS bottle the rest of the time - a TOTAL waste of space)

PS: Why do you post here?

Because I like it, some bright people here like BB Wolf and Perry - to name a few, there's more). I LEARN (look into it, it's nice)

When was the last time you visited BA?

A while back

Do you consider yourself a BAexpat?

I'm sure I will be a part time one soon

Wouldn't your time be better spent in your history studies (watching Oliver Stone movies)?

Oliver Stone passing gas contains more wisdom than ANYTHING you've ever said. He's near genius, a BRILLIANT artist. You should show some respect (since all you got is that mentally unstable clown Glen Beck to look up to)
Here Steve, learn how it all really happened -



As far as BBW comments. I agree, Obama is a giant disappointment - we got fooled (but the Dems aren't the answer either)....
Dudester said:
PS. Steve, I'm just wondering, you live in BA but seemed totally consumed with American politics - totally minor things like this topic you put up. When I'm overseas I don't pay much attention to what the USA is up to.... why don't you move back to the states if you can't disconnect? What's the point of living in another country if all you think about is the USA? These are serious questions, I just don't get it (when I'm at my place in Paris the last thing I'm thinking about is what America is up to. That's one of the main reasons to move IMO.) Please explain when you have some time. Thanks

that's because, generally speaking, US policy affects world policy. so try as one might, it's nearly impossible to focus solely on local politics. besides, what expat from any country doesn't keep tabs on what's happening in their home country. many of us still have friends/family that live in our home country and still care about the general state of affairs.

also, one very often tends to learn more about their home country being outside of said country.
steveinbsas said:
Since when are US elections about punishing enemies?


Can anyone remember a US President calling one group of Americans enemies?

Ironically, the group Obama is talking about may actually be the majority of the American people.

we're also talking about the same administration that has authorized the assassination of US citizens abroad, away from the battlefield.

Confirmed: Obama authorizes assassination of U.S. citizen

or how about asking supporters to forward "fishy" emails to [email protected] from anyone speaking out about health insurance reform. whether the information is true or false, when is the last time that US citizens were asked to forward emails that could potentially contain personal info about other citizens to the white house? this doesn't seem a bit odd to anyone?

Facts Are Stubborn Things

Sen. Accuses White House of Creating "Enemies List"