One Day Over Visa...


Apr 12, 2013

Long story short I had a 90 day tourist visa that expired yesterday, the same day I bought a one day return ticket to Colonia from Colonia Express. They didn't ask about my visa or look at it just my passport details.

Went to board today and the guy said I was one day over. He is right, I thought May had 30 days turns out there's two 31 day months in the past 3 months.

So after a long drawn out process of signing forms they told me to go to Retiro and pay my fine which is normal. And when I asked them about my trip they said Colonia Express shouldn't have sold it to me and had to refund it.

My ticket says no changes or refunds and they saw that.

After a while in the office in the departure lounge the manager told me go to the office I bought it. Which I did. And after arguments and phone calls they told me to fuck off pretty much.

Is it lost? It's 575 pesos. Not a small amount of money here.

I doubt they'll be nice enough to return your $575 pesos. They'll probably use the excuse that they made it clear that the ticket is non-refundable and that you knew that your tourist visa was about to expire. I wouldn't be surprised if they sold it to you anyway, knowing you wouldn't be allowed to travel.
So you have an overstay now or how does that work? Since you weren't allowed to travel and they saw you're past 90 days and Retiro saw too...
Sorry but I think you're out of luck on that one, they aren't responsible for tracking your tourist visa status. I would try to be nice and see if you can get the ticket changed, but if it says no refunds then you're fighting an uphill battle. I always use a date calculator to ensure this doesn't happen as most months aren't 30 days.