Overstaying 90-day limit

Is there any way to renew a tourist visa now?

If I plan to leave the country, how should I proceed with immigration, given that my visa has expired?
I believe it is a non-issue. Your visa (or rather, your transitory residence) has not expired. It gets extended by the government every month, via the document referenced above (DSP27, 9.19 am yesterday). As per DSP27s advice, as long as they continue issuing these extensions, your "visa" (your residencia transitoria) will still be valid. And you should be able to leave the country without encountering any difficulty and without having to pay any fine.
Is there any way to renew a tourist visa now?

If I plan to leave the country, how should I proceed with immigration, given that my visa has expired?

I believe it is a non-issue. Your visa (or rather, your transitory residence) has not expired. It gets extended by the government every month, via the document referenced above (DSP27, 9.19 am yesterday). As per DSP27s advice, as long as they continue issuing these extensions, your "visa" (your residencia transitoria) will still be valid. And you should be able to leave the country without encountering any difficulty and without having to pay any fine.

If your visa was due to expire after March 17, you re okay. it's automatically extended till at least November 17. Possibly Dec 17. If it expired before March 17 you'd need to pay a fine, that's all.