Palermo Dating Meetup - Friday- April 8

hum ? either an orgy or sorta like, --hey nice shoes ! wa ???--- ......To each his own I guess. ( don't forget to take pictures ! )
no offense, but i don't get it....plan the meetup and let the chips fall where they may...
A dating style meeting at a penia folkorica sounds like fusion, or bizarre. Cheers!!!
The chacarera, gato and zamba are so... special!!!
Does a place like this make it difficult to talk and meet someone? It is a real question, as I have never been.

and lastly, you say you have come up with "a wider concept", is this the concept, or is there more to it?
Correct me if I'm wrong....but does anybody not see this turning into 12 dudes and 1 chick?
I'm curious as well. The original idea seemed like a rather dubious proposition to me...