Pc Specialist


Jan 2, 2007
Can anyone recommend someone who specializes in PCs? Bought a Samsung laptop in Jan, brand new and while it works, the video editing SW we installed on it isn't working. That's a major issue since that is why we bought it. Memory also seems to be an issue which I don't understand since there is literally nothing on it. I could take it to Samsung here but I don't really want to deal with the headache, esp if it's a cheap/quick fix.

I have worked with Ricardo in the past but would appreciate other recommendations.
I used to do technical support, I might be able to help you for free in this forum and give you a solution online. When you say memory, do you mean the hard drive, or the memory itself (RAM). What video editing software did you install?
Bought a Samsung laptop in Jan, brand new and while it works, the video editing SW we installed on it isn't working.

What editing software are you using? I'm sure you checked that the software and laptop specs would work together before you purchased it. I cut in Premiere CS5 and sometimes a simple thing as a super large photo/image will give you an error message of "Not enough memory."

Try to create a new project with lo-res source material and see if it functions.
Oscar is a good guy that might be able to help: http://oscarthegeek.wordpress.com/
Thanks all!
NYer4ever - it's the Powerdirector SW and the computer actually came with the "light" version of it installed to watch videos. So it's def compatible and we were pretty clear with the guys at the store when we bought it what our needs were. So it's not a compatability issue.
I think I´ll ask my question here too. I am getting ready to do some traveling. I write articles for magazines and I have a web site that I do a newsletter which involves reducing pixel and photo size on photos and putting stuff on the web site. My last laptop had a 14 inch screen and was pretty heavy. I LOVE the looks of the little netbooks but would that be too light duty for what I want? Supposedly they have two gigs of ram. I think the only one that I can have English on is a Samsung--at least in the store where I was looking. My laptop would do anything I wanted (alas the monitor is bad) but as stated, it´s heavy.

Any opinions are welcome.
Hey Arlean,

The netbook should be able to handle it, but expect it to take a little bit longer if you're converting/resizing media.

As long as it has wireless capabilities (almost a given these days) it will connect at exactly the same speed as a laptop would.

2Gbs RAM is ok for what you want, but you'll certainly notice an improvement if you can get 4 instead.

I think you should be pretty set with the netbook - remember to take a little USB mouse too!