Sidewalks are a city problem, not national.
Even when I worked as an English teacher and got paid nothing I had an accountant. I have to say, I pay very little monthly to her and end up paying not a lot in taxes and she takes care of all the nasty tramites that don´t require me going in person. She also advises on what needs to be paid, what can wait, etc.
Also, btw, 5 years ago my husband forgot to pay ingresos brutos to the city. At the time it was about 10 pesos a month (those were the days!) and owed about 60 pesos, simply because it slipped his mind. They froze his bank account, got it back but took a lot of tramites. Always remember to pay it, don´t let it go over more than a month or they will freeze your bank account or take out 10% of all your assets until you pay. At no point did they inform us or ask us to pay, found out when going to the ATM couldn´t withdraw money.