Plea Bargaining Concept In Argentina.


Apr 1, 2014
The concept of plea bargaining or turning state's evidence to gain a reduction in one's own sentence is new in South America but is already being used amply in both Brazil and Argentina in corruption and bribery cases.
In Brazil the " delacao premiada" law has been very useful in uncovering and bringing to light many facts and facets of both the "mensalao--whopping monthly payments" and "petrolao--big oil" payola scandals
In Argentina,"la ley del arrepentido" has now helped to uncover much of the "modus operandi" of Lazaro Baez's shipping U$D 100 million out of the country and bringing Cristina herself to testify.
Plea bargaing which had its beginnings in the U.S. in the 1830s has its pros and cons but few can doubt its pragmatic assistance in crime detection and resolution.
Let us just hope it boomerangs on the Ksters heads. Lil Maxi needs to learn honor and manners and hey maybe he can get his GED in jail.
If you can get past the layers of plebes to the real culprits then its worth it.
Noesdeayer, the only issue with la ley del arrepentido is it doesn't exist. First, the President or whoever has to do a draft, the Congress has to approve it, later the President enacts it.

It never happened.

So, the whole process is a little ...fishy?
Second, the juicio abreviado is widely used in non violent crimes, not only for corruption.