Policy regarding repatriated Argentine nationals and Permanent Residents


Mar 25, 2007
This article mentioning repatriated Argentines makes no mention of a two week hotel quarantine. Has the policy changed? What exactly is the policy for nationals and permanent residents returning?

I'm here on a residency visa and I'm required to do the quarantine. On day 9 now. I don't think anyone would actually check but I'm playing it safe so I don't become some example of local mob justice.
You don't think someone is watching you, but I'll bet someone is.

You are almost there and you are doing the right thing ... that makes you a good, considerate person in my book.

I applaud you for not considering yourself above others. Bravo!
The policy has changed, it was about a month ago that the requirement to stay 2 weeks in a government-hosted hotel in BA was removed in favour of self-quarantining. Maybe someone has the details at their fingertips, otherwise I can search.
The policy has changed, it was about a month ago that the requirement to stay 2 weeks in a government-hosted hotel in BA was removed in favour of self-quarantining. Maybe someone has the details at their fingertips, otherwise I can search.

It could be worse. I have two students from Kuwait, (tiny oil sheikdom sandwiched between Iraq and KSA, at the head of the Persian Gulf). They both came home to Kuwait after the CoV crisis began, one from the UK and the other from Turkey. Their government tested them upon arrival, with negative results. In spite of this, they were each required to endure 28 days of total quarantine with a GPS tracker locked around their wrist. Kuwait is not ****ing around with this ****!

One of them, the young lady who was working on her PhD in Scotland, arrived in Kuwait on the 5th day of Ramadan, meaning she had 3 quarantine days to go when Ramadan ended, so she missed being able to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, (big feast of celebration when the 30 days of fasting end), with her family. Suffice it to say she was not a happy camper.
Canada requires 14 days of self-isolation, you are not allowed to leave home for any reason except to seek medical attention.
They make the rounds periodically to check on people, in an unmarked car to boot. If you’re not complying with the rules, penalties can go to $750K and/or 6 months.
The policy has changed, it was about a month ago that the requirement to stay 2 weeks in a government-hosted hotel in BA was removed in favour of self-quarantining. Maybe someone has the details at their fingertips, otherwise I can search.

If you have details, I'd appreciate knowing.
If you have details, I'd appreciate knowing.
My wife arrived here from the States three weeks ago today and only had to self quarentine, no hotel stay. The policy had changed the week before. She did have to sign an affidavit saying that she would self- quarentine for 14 days. A week or so in someone from migraciones stopped by ostensibly to check to see how we were doing, but most likely just to make sure we were keeping the quarentine.
The policy has changed, it was about a month ago that the requirement to stay 2 weeks in a government-hosted hotel in BA was removed in favour of self-quarantining. Maybe someone has the details at their fingertips, otherwise I can search.
Just a quick comment: The policy is not the same across the whole country - in case you are not going to BA. In the Cuyo region (San Juan, Mendoza, San Luis) the 2 week hotel quarantine is still in place. Not sure if it is still up to date, but one article mentioned that the cost is $2000 ARS per day. No too bad. Also a quarantine is required when you come from another province.
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