Polo Friday Nov 20?

That sounds like tons of fun - I adore polo. Stick & balling is some of the most fun I've had on a horse (well, I think fox hunting is the best but they don't hunt here) Smirky, do you live out in Cañuelas?
Palermo, but Cañuelas isn't far and it's a nice ride. I used to keep my horses up in Pilar, but I hate Ruta Panamericana. You see actual countryside most of the way out to Cañuelas and the traffic isn't as manic.

Stick & ball is the equivalent of riding a bicycle with training wheels: it's fun and it's safe and there's nothing wrong with it. To get the full impact, though, you have to get out there, toss away the training wheels and play some chukkers! Every time I get off the pitch I feel like I did when I was a kid and stepped off of the roller coaster. I'm a little dizzy, slightly disoriented, jacked up on adrenaline and ready to jump back on for another ride. I can't wait until February!
Oh don't disagree but as I lack the hand-eye coordination to play with a level of competency, I stick to stick and balling. The players and the ponies thank me:D I've played a few pick up games with friends and that was quite intense enough.

We had some polo ponies for the winter back in the US at the farm and we thought we'd play around to see if we could teach them to jump (figuring their ability to turn on a dime would come in handy in the jump-offs). My first three tries, the pony turned so quickly that I kept going straight.:p Little ferraris they are!

I've never had the luck to sit on a high-goal polo horse but I can only imagine what riding one is like.

Canuelas is lovely although far for me. Adolfito and Lolo have their farms there don't they?
By the way, everyone. We've started up polo again a bit early to make up for some of the days lost last fall. We play polo in Cañuelas 4 days a week (barring rain) and there are asados possible and games to watch. It's also possible to try it out yourselves. If you're interested, let me know and I'll inform the right people... and once again, I don't gain anything from this.