RaDEx the online residency application platform for Argentina

Any other way to access it? My work blocks access to google drive.
Be patient and blast them with e-mails at the [email protected] , they eventually answer and give you the so awaited appointment to renew your Precaria. I wan't able to attend to a first scheduled appointment, then had to head to migraciones and ask for a new appointment via "Mesa de Entrada", a month went by, my DNI was almost expired and I started mailing them every day at 7AM sharp (just 1 e-mail per day), on the 8th day someone called me at my cellphone and asked if I had all documents with me and if I was able to come by quickly (9:30 ish). At 10:20, after getting through the door filter, I was able to contact this person and got the "turno" to renew my residence (it's been 2 years)...