Re-entering Argentina at EZE after exceeding 180-day cap for tourists

If I'm actually at around 170 days, can I book a return ticket to leave on or before day 180, but then once I'm in country, change to a day outside the 180 limit, and finish my Radex app?

According to the quote below, once you complete the Radex application, you automatically get a 90 day extension:

The good news at the information desk was, as you noted, they can look you up see that you're confirmed in the Radex application system. Per the rep, you're automatically extended the 90 days. Of course there's nothing entered to your passport nor a piece of paper, but if you copied the finalization notice you get in the window of your computer at completion (no e-mail is sent to you) you've got a date and their words which you can save and print out as proof.

I'm not sure you can finish your appication while you're out of the country, but if you can, you may automatically have a 90 day extension that, hopefully, will "insure" your reentry.
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I did the Radex app (I'm in the us at the moment)

And got a message saying basically I have to be in Argentina to do it.

Atento a encontrarse fuera del territorio Argentino las actuaciones permanecerán suspendidas. Asimismo, se informa que se considerara abstracta la solicitud de residencia si se consta que permaneció por más de 60 días fuera del territorio Nacional, correspondiendo la clausura del trámite. (Art. 74 bis Ley 25.871)