Re-entering as a tourist after Temporary Residence

Does anyone know when applying for the tarjeta de ciudadanía how long after el juez sends the request oficio to the police they come to verify the address? I want to move in a few months so I am trying figure out if it s a good idea or I should wait. Thanks!
the use the word nationality that in our legal system means permanent residency

sorry, I don't think you are correct at all.
Nationality is definitely very different from permanent residency.
People who secured their permanent residency are still nationals of their country/countries of origin and are NOT Argentine nationals.
DNI extranjero (issued to people with permanent residency) has dedicated field "Nacionalidad" and this field is their original nacionalidad (e.g. Rusia or EE.UU.). Their nacionalidad is NOT Argentine.
sorry, I don't think you are correct at all.
Nationality is definitely very different from permanent residency.
People who secured their permanent residency are still nationals of their country/countries of origin and are NOT Argentine nationals.
DNI extranjero (issued to people with permanent residency) has dedicated field "Nacionalidad" and this field is their original nacionalidad (e.g. Rusia or EE.UU.). Their nacionalidad is NOT Argentine.

Well, well, well.
A conservative reply is that with citizenship you only get voting rights.
A conservative reply is that with citizenship you only get voting rights.

with citizenship one also gets much stronger guarantees of not losing one's status.
It's extremely unlikely to lose once acquired Argentine citizenship/nationality.
On the other hand permanent residence status is forfeited after 2 years absence out of Argentina.

And also they can change immigration laws at any moment to require actual continuous physical residency in order to keep permanent resident status.
Just like in the United States. You lose US permanent residence status if you are not actually residing there on permanent basis.

What is the benefit of having Citizenship there vs. just permanent resident? I can't think of any benefits besides being able to get an Argentine passport. Are there? Thanks in advance.
Permanent residency is a manumission while citizenship is a full emancipation.
African American were like permanent residents in the US until 1965.
Permanent residency is a manumission while citizenship is a full emancipation.
African American were like permanent residents in the US until 1965.

Bajo cero. What's the current status of "Artículo: Texto según Decreto 70//2017, art. 27 B.O. 30/01/2017". It specifies that only those with 2 years of Temporary or Permanent residence can apply for la tarjeta de ciudadania. My strategy was to demonstrate several years of residencia transitoria -- aka turista -- and one year as a residente temprario with a valid DNI. What do you think? Thanks!

Bajo cero. What's the current status of "Artículo: Texto según Decreto 70//2017, art. 27 B.O. 30/01/2017". It specifies that only those with 2 years of Temporary or Permanent residence can apply for la tarjeta de ciudadania. My strategy was to demonstrate several years of residencia transitoria -- aka turista -- and one year as a residente temprario with a valid DNI. What do you think? Thanks!
That is the old law [and valid law].
Google decree 70/2017 arts. 20 and 27. You can not hace an strategy, they do whatever they want. A lawyer can.
Yo tenia el mismo problema, tuve que contratar un servicio de abogados de extranjeria que me ayuden. Mi solucion fue contratar IMMIGRAR Immigration Services. Te dejo el link para que puedas contactarte, ... Son muy buenos!! espero que te pueda servir--------