

Dec 29, 2010
Need a safe respectable remisero to take me to Cuidadela,prov de bsas. I got to visit my aunt this sunday afternoon. dont want to take the hotel´s remis service they are crooks! charged me 150 pesos from el centro to martin coronado. prov de bsas...please email me with name and number email is e_soreira
Usually the remise from Provincia de Buenos Aires is cheaper than the one from Capital Federal, or from the hotel. You can ask in advance for the price and then set it up for the next times.

You can try, click on taxi or remise, and get an idea of the distance in km. The remises usually charge by km after 1km.
There's a remis stand next to the ciudadela station. If it were me I'd take the train (.80 I think) then grab a remis there. Train's much faster if you live any where in the center (driving all the way out of the city on rivadavia sucks even without traffic. Dinner time? Forget about it.) Not to mention it will be much cheaper than taking a remis all the way from downtown.
PhilipDT said:
There's a remis stand next to the ciudadela station. If it were me I'd take the train (.80 I think) then grab a remis there. Train's much faster if you live any where in the center (driving all the way out of the city on rivadavia sucks even without traffic. Dinner time? Forget about it.) Not to mention it will be much cheaper than taking a remis all the way from downtown.
Have u ever been to Cuidadella..looks like a bombed out south bronx of the 70s
Yes, one of my best friends lives out there; I go play football there sometimes near liners under the freeway. Anyway I pretty much won't walk around ciudadela alone during the day or even in a group at night but the train station always has a few cops on it and there is a gas station right across the street (which is the always well traveled Rivadavia), where you can grab the remis. Anyways it was just a suggestion
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