Rental listings in USD - what exchange rate is used?


Jan 5, 2021
When browsing rentals on Zonaprop etc, the more luxury listings are in USD. If one rents the property, what exchange rate is used to convert to ARS (official or blue)?
Blue, some are prepared to accept something in between but more towards the blue but most want dólares billete.
If one rents the property, what exchange rate is used to convert to ARS (official or blue)?

IMHO, exchange rate is not used at all. If the listed price is in dollars you pay in dollars. What price you are getting these dollars for is your problem.
Or you mean exchange rate when property owner pays taxes?
Depends. Some are oficial some are blue. Call and ask. Generally if it's a temporary lease it's in blue, if it's a conventional 3 year contract quoted in USD it's the oficial.
If they are listing it in dollars they are targetting gringos and you are more than likely paying a gringo rate. Whatever it is make sure it is clearly defined in the rental contract so you know exactly what you are signed up to pay. This also includes agent fees - do not sign a single thing until every single detail is agreed and on paper. This includes expenses, condition of property, what paint you have to use when you give it back, everything... Otherwise you will get surprises and add ons.
One of my biggest mistakes in Arg was signing a dollar contract. I paid the penalty and left after 6 months. It only took 3 more month to be ahead.
Using Zonaprop.....the number of "temporary" apartments quoted in pesos has dropped significantly and are now listed in dollars. I think the difference from a year ago is dramatic
just quoted an UK couple in dollars. i am guessing they convert in the UK. nice 30% discount.
One of my biggest mistakes in Arg was signing a dollar contract. I paid the penalty and left after 6 months. It only took 3 more month to be ahead.
Same. I know your pain:(
I managed to not pay no penalty at all, you just delete this bs from the contract before signing