Salta: 2 Tourists Report Sexual Abuse


Aug 16, 2009
I found this article on InfoBAE this morning. According to the article, two female foreign tourists -- one from the U.S. and the other from Japan -- reported being sexually abused in Salta. This, of course, is just less than a year after the rape and murder of the two French women.

The young woman from the U.S. said she went out to a club, and found herself the next morning in a hotel bedroom with no recollection of what happened.

The other woman from Japan reports that her guide told her that she had to take off her clothes to cross some river, and apparently she did so. Her guide then raped her.

The responses from the provincial Minister of Security are appalling, in my opinion. Apparently the police couldn't find "evidence" of rape in the case of the American woman, so he said that it must be a case of "false reporting." I'm not sure exactly what proof is required, so I let the first bit in the article go.

Then the article goes on to quote the Minister of Security as saying that the woman from the Japan trusted her guide "too much." In other words, it must have been her fault. "If I go to Japan and they tell me that in order to climb a volcano I have to get naked, I will decide to do it or not. Sometimes people just trust other people too much when they're in a different country," the Minister of Security said.

Unbelievable! So... she deserved it? And the American woman just made it up for giggles? I can't believe this guy is a government official. :rolleyes:
Thanks for sharing... disgusting behavior by anyone, especially a government official.
The government is trying to dodge responsibility for the deaths of 51 people and 700 people injured in a major railroad disaster, obviously due to negligence. There is PLENTY of money to run and maintain the railroads, upgrade the systems, purchase new train cars, but of course, that money gets funneled into CFK's pocketbook and her friends safeboxes. So do you think they for one minute are going to take any responsibility for some poor foreign girls being raped, or those other poor young ladies who were raped and murdered or the poor photographer being stabbed to death in broad daylight in the middle of the city? Of course not, it's way too easy and profitable for them to not take responsibility, after all they have total impunity here!
The response from the Minister of Security is flabbergasting.
Reading his comments actually makes me physically ill. That's just..horrific.
Apparently the police couldn't find "evidence" of rape in the case of the American woman, so he said that it must be a case of "false reporting."

Jesus fucking Christ.