Self-Employed - What Is The Procedure?


Jan 30, 2015
Hi all, I am a newcomer here, glad to find this exchange space! I am a transportation engineer from switzerland, have been living here for a few months now and would like to stay here.

My question: does someone know what is the procedure to become a "regular" self-employed, i.e.: to be able to issue invoices legally? My DNI process is almost over, should have it in a few days (fingers crossed).

A huge thank you in advance for your help!!
Start reading here:
To be self-employed here you need to register as a monotributista. Here's a link ( to a site that has a lot of fairly easy to read information about the process. On the AFIP site you can look up the table of what taxes you would pay on a given income, etc.

Note that there is a limit as to how much a monotributista can earn, which is 600,000 pesos, so in dollars roughly 68K at the current official rate. If you want to claim more than that you have to form a company.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to talk to an accountant even if you end up doing all the inscription, payments and reports yourself. As an example (I don't know if the AFIP or the other site I linked to explains this) you are supposed to have a fairly constant monthly amount that you claim or there could be penalties. Just make sure you understand what you need to do to be complaint and not have any troubles with this.
Note that there is a limit as to how much a monotributista can earn, which is 600,000 pesos, so in dollars roughly 68K at the current official rate. If you want to claim more than that you have to form a company.
There is even a lower limit to what the applicant had earned to be able to enroll as a monotributista:
¿Qué requisitos exige la ley para poder categorizarme como monotributista?Para que un contribuyente pueda categorizarse como monotributista, deberán verificarse todas las condiciones que se citan:a) Que haya obtenido ingresos brutos inferiores o iguales a la suma de $ 200.000 en los doce meses calendario inmediatos anteriores a la fecha de adhesión; o, de tratarse de venta de cosas muebles, que -habiendo superado dicha suma, y hasta la de $ 300.000- cumplan el requisito de cantidad mínima de personal previsto.
That's less than 23,000 USD gross at today's official rate (8,8)!