Senior Expats And Taxes


Jan 27, 2015
Please help settle a controvery between a friend and me.

My friend owns an apartment here. He is 75 years old. He is an American. He rents the apartment about 20 days a year.

He pays no property taxes. He pays no taxes on the rental income.

I call him a "tax dodger." He replies that Argentina does not tax foreigners living in Argentina that are above a certain age.

Who is right?
ABL was expanded in January 2012 to include impuesto inmobiliaro - property tax; hence the increase in annual assessment. Before that date, owners and renters paid for street maintenance and garbage removal, and no tax on the property.

Every owner in the city of Buenos Aires receives the Rentas bill in January to pay for the year or in monthly installments.
Please help settle a controvery between a friend and me.

My friend owns an apartment here. He is 75 years old. He is an American. He rents the apartment about 20 days a year.

He pays no property taxes. He pays no taxes on the rental income.

I call him a "tax dodger." He replies that Argentina does not tax foreigners living in Argentina that are above a certain age.

Who is right?

My partner (79 years) and I (69 years) own a two bedroom apartment. I am a US citizen by birth, and a permanent resident of Argentina for more than 10 years. We pay every year in January the full ABL/rentas bill. We are not aware of any tax exemptions for foreign resident home owners, obove a certain age, that exisit in this country, neither at this time nor during the past ten years. And, believe me, we have checked on this periodically over the past decade!.
Please help settle a controvery between a friend and me.

My friend owns an apartment here. He is 75 years old. He is an American. He rents the apartment about 20 days a year.

He pays no property taxes. He pays no taxes on the rental income.

I call him a "tax dodger." He replies that Argentina does not tax foreigners living in Argentina that are above a certain age.

Who is right?

Never heard of a law that exempts people over a certain age from taxes.

Technically if he is renting his property he should be a 'Monotributo' so will pay taxes associated with that. Not sure of the taxes in Buenos Aires, but here in Bariloche as a Monotributo you also have to pay 'Ingresos Brutos' if you rent a property.

If he has personal assets (both in Argentina and elsewhere worldwide) worth over AR$ 305,000 he is liable for 'Bienes Personales' - AFIP won't come knocking at his door or send him a letter demanding the taxes, it's his responsibility to declare them each year. Failure to do so will also result in interest on unpaid taxes.