sidra real..


Dec 29, 2010
just a question how much does a bottle of sidra real cost nowadays over there?? i just got a bottle here in the states. 5dollars!:eek:
Roughly 7 pesos for a 720CC bottle... but why when you can get Strongbow?!?!
gpop said:
Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. Yeats

Despite countless motivational, inspirational and self-help writers who tell us otherwise, William Butler Yeats did not write those words. Think about it for a moment: would Ireland's finest poet really have mangled that proverb in such a fashion?
Maybe it was Yeats' dad, Mr. Yeats, who mangled those famous words.
elhombresinnombre said:
Despite countless motivational, inspirational and self-help writers who tell us otherwise, William Butler Yeats did not write those words. Think about it for a moment: would Ireland's finest poet really have mangled that proverb in such a fashion?

Sure ...why not. I'm sure as Ireland's finest poet he had a great sense of humour too :D. I'll change it to appease the gods of nit-pick, how's this one:
"But was there ever dog that praised his fleas? "
As a blacksmith, I can tell you that the original quote is actually factual. (I have no idea if Yeats actually wrote it, though)
It is quite possible to heat up a piece of steel by hitting it. In fact, with a big enough hammer- I use what is called in Argentina a Martillo Pilon - it is quite possible to get a cold piece of steel up to red hot, simply by hitting it.

No humor in that quote- it was simply written at a time when blacksmiths were pretty common, so the average writer knew a bit more about them than someone does now.

But I have to agree- why would someone in the USA buy sidra from Argentina, when there are so many US brands that are quite good, and, probably cheaper as well?