Social Work(er) in Buenos Aires needs help/advice!


Sep 27, 2010
Hello all,

I am a social worker from the US and I have been living in Buenos Aires for 9 months. I have a masters in social work and in education, so since I have been here I have been focusing more on the education side of my experience and teaching English. However, I really miss social work and would love the chance to get involved in some kind of social work here. I know of course there are plenty of volunteer opportunities around, although I would love to find paid work so that I could devote all my time to that.

Are there any social workers out there working in BA with advice to give, or people who might have leads on organizations that might be hiring (foreign or otherwise)? Any help would be greatly appreciated! I should also mention that my Spanish is coming along, although I am not fluent yet.

Thanks in advance!
Hey Meghan,

I am really of no help, but I too have a MSW and am eager to so something related to my field. I came here to teach English specifically, but I would love to volunteer. Let me know if you would ever like to get together to chat :)

I'm a 26 y/o woman from Chicago.

take care!
Although I am not in BA right now. (moving back next year). I have found a few volunteer social work type opportunities through craigslist. I suggest keeping an eye out there. There are also several organizations that work in the slums in and around BA. Sometimes there are small projects you can volunteer for. Unfortunately, I don't have the names with me but will post them if I find them again.