Spinach On Fire!


Nov 20, 2009
Just watching TN and they were showing live an explotion and thus a fire in NYC. The female TN broadcaster said " el edificio esta ubicado en Manhaaaattan, barrio de Spinach" I think she meant Greenwich. It just seemed funny that spinach on fire makes the int'l news! Was one of you her English teacher? :D
Maybe she confused Brooklyn with brocolis and then by association said spinach, instead!

Of course that wouldn't be Manhattan ;)
Mind you , I am not mocking her as I am sure no US or UK or ELSEWHERE broadcaster can do much better with foreign words!
I'm SUUUURE she's got a sense of humor. I've used many a wrong word or phrase. My unrolled Rs are pathetic. No wonder they always switch to English on me :( (or smile the trying-not-to-laugh smile)
omce again I am not making fun of her it's just that I was doing my home for my Arabic class and I heard about Espinach en llamas and it made me look up at the screen!