Store closings?


May 28, 2010
Yesterday a local told me Farabella and Easy are closing, because they can't restock with the import restrictions. Anyone else know about this or similar closings?
I buy online from both and have noticed that Falabella has only about 10% of their usual stock. I'll be very sad if they close. A chinese supermarket employee told me that imports from China had been blocked for about 8 months but now were slowly trickling through...
I have noticed while walking around that a lot of shops have closed and the buildings are for rent. I guess business must be getting hard for some.
Boy I hope they're not closing down.

As for imports from China. I think it depends what business you're in. My friend who imports computer parts from China is on the verge of closing down his business (that his uncle started some 20 years ago) because the government is not letting any imports in.
I better stock up my ingredients for Thai Cooking then, and prices of good would be sky rocket too I guess. Good Vino?
I can no longer find spices and hot chilli sauces from Mexico. Good thing I stocked up.
Also, I've seen a couple of stores in Santa Fe close down. It's sad, I don't know if it is just because of the imports or maybe inflation is cooling the market.
Many Argentines are buying Starbucks to have the White and Green Starbucks Cup, not the plain white ones. It's all about show, absurd, no, just Argentina.
starlucia said:
Speaking of import headaches, yesterday I saw this truly bizarre article in Clarin: I don't know which part is more absurd, the apology or the fact that so many Argentines actually complained about having to drink designer coffee out of a plain white cup.

I read this yesterday and thought my spanish was faaar worse than I thought it was so ran it through google translate and still couldn't understand why a paper published that or why Starbucks apologised. I went today and got a plain white cup, I cried a little.....