Taxis/Remises -- Prepaid


Nov 17, 2010
Hello hello!

I was hoping to get some suggestions/numbers of taxis/remises that give you a pre-determined price. When I first arrived in BA, I got a remise from the airport for 120 pesos or something, but like I said, the price was pre-determined. The thing is, I am not going to the airport, I am going to the Terminal de Ominbus in Retiro. Does anyone have some phone numbers of taxi's/remises that you can get a set price before hopping in???

Much appreciated!
cybertaxi is a good service you can find the nr on google only one thing try not to take taxies at random, specially old cars , try to have the nr of the taxi in your mobile to avoid taxies you don`t know just in case.
:confused: ... Just call any remis company around your area, tell them where you are going and ask for a price. That's pretty much how they all work and that's what you will pay the driver.

For long trips, you can also do the same with most radio taxi companies, but they rather do metered trips.

We like using Premium taxi; You can create an acount on their site and order a taxi with a few clicks. They are reliable.