The Fernandez's are sending a bill to Congress to reform Argentina's justice system


Jun 6, 2005
1 August 2020
Alberto Fernández on Wednesday formally announced that he is sending a bill to Congress to reform Argentina's justice system. The president has also established an advisory commission of 11 legal experts that will consider the standing of the Supreme Court, the Magistrates Council (the court system’s disciplinary body), and the prosecutor's office. The commission has 90 days to recommend changes....
Isn't this little more than Fernandez's attempt to take over the judicial branch? Creating a bunch of new courts, expanding the supreme court, etc. The ultimate outcomes will basically be a Fernandez controlled judiciary. Argentina is such a joke.
This is truly a disgrace. At a moment of extreme national crisis and a moment when the current VP and her family members have multiple serious charges against them in court, this gets pushed through. Yet no mention of political reform and limiting the interference or influence of the executive in the judicial branch. We all heard the protests from our balconies when this was announced.

If you rewind the clock a few years there are numerous videos of Alberto back in his lecturer days raging against the very same ideas of judicial "reform" he just announced. But well, another story of the organ-grinder and monkey I suppose.

Am seriously beginning to wonder if this is just a "burner" government where Alberto is being set up to fail, but only after making certain parts of the political class "bullet proof" to be able to continue lives of impunity, or worse, go on to take the rest of it. This is what they call "Democracy".
I was working Federal cases for 20 years.
The problem was Macri couped the Consejo de la Magistratura with the double agent Pichetto and Recondo. Pichetto suppoused to represent the opposition with a double vote while Recondo supposed to represent judges but he was a Macri "employed". I asked for his destitution last week.
I don't like the reform, it can be better. Instead of adding the Federal tax judges to the Comodoro Py ones, they should add the National Judges of CABA instead of sending them to be county judges of Larreta. Instead of having 10, with the reform there are going to be 20 judges that is more difficult to control. With the adding of national judges they would have 130 that is impossible to manipulate neither to control.

If you see the video of Antipodean, then you understand why CFK has chooses him.
Am seriously beginning to wonder if this is just a "burner" government where Alberto is being set up to fail, but only after making certain parts of the political class "bullet proof" to be able to continue lives of impunity, or worse, go on to take the rest of it. This is what they call "Democracy".

Listen to Jorge Fernandez Diaz every night on AM792 and between 8pm and 9pm this theory is gets a very good run. Although the plan was clear from the start, nobody could have predicted the pandemic, which has made has made Alberto's other contracted transitionary function (stabilize the economy) impossible. As the economy will, for the first time, explode during a Peronist government, Diaz and colleagues analyse Tweets and other pronoucements that show CFK rapidly marking her distance from Alberto so as not to be associated with the decisions that lead to the coming disaster. It's great listening, if a bit repetitive after a few nights.
I for one would not trust any justice reform where Bajo Cero was not on the advisory committee
5 August 2020
The Criminal Chamber considered unconstitutional the judicial reform promoted by the Government
The judges of the Criminal Chamber said unanimously that it is unconstitutional the judicial reform that drives the government at the federal, criticized the bill sent to Congress, ensured that the system of substitute judges provisions favoring corruption and impunity and made a proposal alternative to the official initiative....
An alternative proposal....
