The Hills! Where Are The ....


Jun 13, 2013
Hello all,
I'm relatively new to BA and I'm currently training for a marathon (just about anyway!). So as part of my training I want to do some running up hills, but with my limited knowledge of BA I don't really know a good spot that might have me jog up a hill for 3 mins without being milled by a collectivo. I live in Villa Crespo/Palermo area, so anywhere close would be cool -

Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions,

Ha Ha. Where are the hills? Did you forget what city you are in? Just get your water buckets and run up and down the stairs a few times. Or, if your building has power, go to one that doesn't (there are many) and run up and down there with other people's water buckets to help out the old, sick, pregnant or handicapped people who can't get water themselves.

Seriously (not that the above was really a joke), there aren't many hills. Parque Lezema in San Telmo is an exception, but a building without power is probably closer.

Good luck
La Fleur
You have hills close to San Isidro, Mountain Bikers use them for trainning, however, they are short.
not really hills per se, but there are some short steep places with decent sidewalks when you leave Puerto Madero heading west on Cordoba, or heading south on Carlos Pellegrini coming from Libertador Ave. They're just short climbs and you might have to go around a lot.
Hello all,
I'm relatively new to BA and I'm currently training for a marathon (just about anyway!). So as part of my training I want to do some running up hills, but with my limited knowledge of BA I don't really know a good spot that might have me jog up a hill for 3 mins without being milled by a collectivo. I live in Villa Crespo/Palermo area, so anywhere close would be cool -

Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions,


Try Tandil, Sierra de la Ventana, or Uruguay (even Montevideo has some hills).
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