The mega 15th!


Sep 18, 2009
Last night we went to a 15th birthday party.
Normally, my wife's son goes to these by himself and this year he must have been to around 20 at least.
He's going to another tonight.
It was a remarkable experience in so many ways.
The young girl was segregated in a room until the big moment, when she materialised down a long staircase and greeted by her loving father.
Screaming girls, spotlights and presidential music all added to the flavour.
I felt I'd just been thrown into a scene from The Godfather.
The entire event must have cost a fortune. Others that said son has attended, including the one tonight, have cost around USD40K!!
I was astounded when I heard that; but of course, if you've got the dosh, It;s up to you how you spend it.
Just a thought: if I was a young girl of 15 and given the choice of burning it all in one night or to travel the world at the appropriate time in my life, I'm pretty sure which one I would choose.
Are these wealthy people or people spending a disproportionate amount on a party and eating empanada for the next 2 years?
Everybody does the Big 15th, some spend 40K, some spend 1K. I have gone to lots of those when I was in high school. Of course that traveling around the world is the wise choice, but the 15th, Bar Mitzvahs and big weddings are still very present in our lives.
Well guy, maybe you don't realize that if you have the luxury of spending 40k in a party, you'll probably have another 40k to spend travelling around the world.
In my case I did take a trip around Europe, but only because I had no money to spend both in the party and the trip.
But seriously, those people could take a trip around the world with no problem 2 days after the party
Just can't see the point of spending so much $$$ and burning it on one night, when there is so much more out in the world.

Yeah, but have you ever been to a Long Island bar/bat mitzvah? Easily costs as much as a wedding.
Even if the people aren't wealthy, they still go all out on the party. It is very rare that someone spends less than 10k pesos on these parties.
In general, middle class families start saving for these party 1 or 2 yrs ahead and they have it all planned out, it is like a mini wedding. It is a very important event in the life of all girls here. No matter how big or small your 15th birthday party is, you have to have it.