The train to San Luis is back


Mar 20, 2014

I'm not clear whether there hasn't been any train to San Luis for all this time, (that would seem unlikely), or whether this is some special train, but I'm all in favor of developing the rail net.

The part about the video that amuses me is the contrast between the chrome-dome transport minister in his suit and tie, speechifying in that loudly bombastic style that is so typically peronista, and Don Alberto standing there, looking very provincial, calmly waiting for him to wind down.

In between all the political rhetoric, the minister gets at least one thing very right - rail is vitally important to a developing economy., and also to a developed economy. That the USA has no high speed rail is a national shame, especially when we give the Pentagon 800 billion a year.
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I'm also an enthusiast for rail for both cargo and passengers. I've taken the train between Tucuman and BsAs a couple of times now, but otherwise have only used the suburban rail networks in Argentina. What the USA and Argentina have in common in this respect are very powerful road transport lobbies and unions. Argentina also had a president in the not so distant past who laid waste to a lot of the rail network and infrastructure. I think it's good to see renewed support. Let's hope for more...