I'm a therapist, although I'm away from Argentina at present. I can point you in the right direction of an English speaking therapist, although I have to make the reservation that I don't know them personally and therefore can not comment on their practice.
I met Dr de la Rosa Alabaster on the internet, he seems pretty sound and said to have experience working with expats. He's got a website: http://www.consultapsi.com He speaks Spanish, but is very fluent in English and French.
Another place to try is Aigle. The director is very well-known internationally and I will feel comfortable recommending him. I've just found his details on the internet:
Fernandez-Alvarez, Hector, Ph.D
Virrey Olaguer y Feliu 2679
Buenos Aires, C1426EBE
Office phone: 541147845613
Office fax: 541147843563
Email address:
[email protected]
If you are looking for information, you can try the BABCP (British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychoterapy) www.babcp.com
I'm also putting together some information specific to expatriation, you can read more at www.helpabroad.net
I will be happy to have a discussion with you by e-mail if you have any questions you think I could help you with. My e-mail is:
[email protected]