Tips To Watch Movies On Ipad While Traveling


Jan 1, 2014
I would like to load on my device some episodes of TV series to watch while traveling. I have a iPad mini retina 16 Gb, so I don't have much space to store full-sized episodes (I just have 2 or 3 Gb available right now).

What is the optimal resolution I should resize my videos to? I am using HandBrake to edit video files on my computer and PlayerExtreme HD to watch movies on my iPad.

Also, I'd rather trade audio for subtitles, so I am willing to renounce to audio to save space.

Finally, I have a Netflix subscription and it would be nice if there was a way to save some movies w/subs from there to be watched later.
Use that iPad for a frizbee and get a tab that you can use an SD chip. Anyway movies at 300 megabytes are really at the downward limit maybe 200 on a smallish tab
You really dont need that much space for TV episodes unless you want that full hd experience which is pointless for portable devices. For an ipad mini i`d recommend having the height resolution of the video set at 480 (pixels) or 720 maximum. I think handbrake defaults to 720 for ipad but 480 is perfectly adequate.
Play with the quality settings in handbrake to what you are happy with.
Also just use stereo sound and reduce the bitrate to 64.
You should get an hour of video take up a maximum of 400mb at that resolution. So you can work out how many episodes you`ll get from that.
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